Sunday 1 June 2008

Exam stress is for people with not enough to do

Apologies for the lack of posts recently, exams have only just stopped their hostile takeover of my personal life. As a result, I've not been doing too much photography-wise which, aside from annoying me, means that this will probably be a relatively short post. I have had a little personal project on the go though that I'll post at the end of this entry so stick around for that. It's eye candy, like gum drops for your retinas.

Starting with some proof that we do occasionally get some good weather in Britain. We generally import it from other countries.
Then back to my second home: Casa del climbing

Cruel or not, I found the way she was fighting with the petrol pump pretty amusing.

I've been to see a couple of drama performances.


And back to climbing again, this time on sandstone in Kent at Harrison's rocks. It's a really nice area, although we don't get much chance to go down thanks to the temperamental weather.

Nothing says pure drama like lens flare.

Feet cropping: my other favourite activity.

This is probably the most precarious place I've ever take photos from. I was pretty much straddling a tree the grew out over the edge. Scary stuff.

Back home revision still has prority over everything, including getting dressed.

It's a tough life, being a student.

Uber decisive.

Still working on getting more involved in the scene with my street stuff.

Guess I'm not James Bond quite yet.

This turned out pretty well for a hip shot. Really wish I had some shallow DOF though.

Okay, here's the start of the project I've been working on. It was meant to be a series of pictures that represent student life and the campus in general. I'm hoping for this to be displayed in one of the venues on campus so here's hoping that works out. Oh, and sorry if you recognise some of these shots, I used a couple of old shots I had from around campus that fit the bill as well as taking some new ones.

Thanks for reading. Hope you're having a good day.

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