Wednesday 30 April 2008

Very little has been happening recently, beside a short trip to Amsterdam with my housemates, detailed later. I shot a couple of rolls of Hp5 with the Pentax shown in the last post and discovered that most situations I find myself in are either too light or too dark for it's limited exposure range. I did love shooting and developing film, and managed to make myself a couple of semi-decent prints from one or two of the negs too which was a bonus, not to mention a fun (and messy) learning experience.

I'm planning on picking up a rangefinder when I work up the money, most likely a Bessa. I doubt anyone actually reads this thing but if you do and you happen to have a Voigtlander for sale, drop me an email at demonic.rabbit at gmail dot com.

Anyway, photos.

Waiting for briefing on a climbing related job. The woman was 40 mins late.
Next up: Drive by street shooting.

These shots are from around the start of April. It snowed for two days after a week of sun. The weather here in England likes to keep you on your toes.

My first time in the darkroom on campus, which apparently hasn't been used in years. Busy developing my first roll of film. Excitement.

Waiting for the roll to dry.

And on my way home.

Trying out something after seeing a frame by Severin...

But to little avail.

Okay, now that crap is out the way, the next few are from a trip to London to try out a new climbing centre that's just opened.

If there were a photographic army, this guy would be a machine gunner.

Must be embarrassing to show up both wearing the same costume.
Lunch break at the climbing wall.

And then it rained. In England. The media was all over it.

Wish I'd waited a second here, but I still like it.

We went for drinks afterwards in what turned out to be a gay bar. It's not often that I'm the eye candy of an entire bar.

I challenge any street shooter to walk past a convex mirror and not make a self.

Some amount of time later, photo boredom.

Seems everyone but me is doing revision. I guess I'm cool like that.

Atleast it was sunny.

Start of the Amsterdam photos. Lady airport worker surveys her kingdom.
Getting drunk at the airport is standard fare.

Again, because I'm 5 years old.

You know you're in Amsterdam when the first bar you go into has this on the wall. Insectiality sure is big over there.

I got charged 20 cents for this shot so appreciate it.
This guy was a walking acid trip.

The view from the hostel was pretty nice.

If time were measured in beer, this would be around Lost-all-sense-of-balance 'o clock.

Finding something that even closely resembles flash sync in this state ain't gonna happen. I do remember this being pretty representative of how I felt though.

Apparently we met some sailors.

This was in a chinese place called Wok to Walk. I highly recommend it if you're drunk and in Amsterdam.

Probably around 1/8th. I'm really surprised that it's relatively sharp considering that my centre of balance was currently doing laps around the room at that point.

Next morning. Kitty gets on it early.

We hung out in 'Dam square for a while, partly because we were tired but mostly because the mushrooms we ate in the morning were kicking in. So, I took photos.

Possibly the cheesiest frame I've ever made.

I can only hope that one day I'm half the man that he is.

This guy seemed highly suspicious of the mayo on his chips. Probably a good thing he didn't see the logo for the chips company (which, by the by, was a cartoon baby masturbating onto some chips)

The next few shots I'm pretty proud of because what normally annoys me most about my street shots is how uninvolved and distant they are but with these I challenged myself to get out of my comfort zone and get a little more in the scene. They're not perfect, but I'm still happy with them.

Using flash in broad daylight on a subject 20ft away is serious business.

This is supercop. He's badass.

Had to leave this one in colour.

My favourite shot from the weekend.

There was nice light at this café.

Not so much a this one, but I made do.

And finally, an underexposed airport.

Back to gloomy England.

The climbing wall has new lights installed that are horrible for climbing but nice for photos. I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with them.

British humour.

And some actual photos of climbing.

Followed by a pretty dull committee meeting.

And then chilling.

There have been a lot of revision lectures, what with it being exam term and all.

10 minutes in and we all feel pretty much like this.

I have no idea what he's cooking but it looks good.

I'm not going to lie, there are some downright despicable things that go on in this house.

Love love love this frame.

Lazy weekends.

Sunny weather = Revision-bathing.

Not that I actually do any revision.

Also, the slightest bit of heat and/or sun = BBQ time.

Girl talk.


And we'll end on a self.
If that were a Leica, it'd be cool.

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