Saturday 22 March 2008

Blogging does not help pass degrees

Lack of updates recently. University work is apparently the natural adversary of all blogging kind...

So, in some kind of loose chronological order...

I was asked to take some photos for Derby Day for my uni's newspaper so I went along to a practice session to get used to it, having never done sports photography before.

Now this is a game face.

If this frame had a caption, it'd be something along the lines of "Sucka!"

The anonymous protesters apparently have a foothold in computer science classes.

Then, lunch with the drama crew.

Went to a party that night, but no photos. Having a camera with a fixed 3.2 lens doesn't bode well for low light situations. This is the next morning. Making frames helps hangovers.

Another fine display of my fantastic artistic ability. Prints of this start at £350.

I've been in a car.

And a bus.

Did a portrait shoot for a poster for my mate's final year drama project in my studio (aka the bathroom). It's called "The Trip". In the final version of it, she looks like an evil clown. Sounds like a bad trip to me.

Workers doing what they do best.

Went out for a night of Jazz in one of the bars on campus. Lucy joined a new band called the New Directions (say it fast for instant humour). They were actually pretty damn good.

I love a bit of jazz

Derby Day at the climbing wall

We kicked ass by over 100 points, but I wasn't there to see it thanks to shooting netball instead.

Basketball on Derby Day

Love this frame.

The light in there wasn't amazing, but I think I did alright.

Bit of a small entry. More at some point in the future.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

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